We are half way through our Eid break here in Dubai and Mummy and Daddy have made sure it's been a fun one for me. We had to do our usual boring food shop on Friday but I was so excited when we went to the Marina Mall to do it as that only meant one thing- I was finally going to get to ride on the Choo Choo Train!! We arrived to see there was some sort of fundraising event taking place and as Mummy and I are nosey, we went to take a look. I'm glad we did as there were three men making funny things with balloons for the children. We got a ticket and waited for our turn. Our balloon modeller was called Bob and he was from Scotland. He didn't ask me what I wanted, he just started making something he said I would like. It took a few minutes to figure it out, it was Iggle Piggle! Nobody else knew what it was as we were the only British people there! I loved it, it was very funny. Daddy took me on the train with Iggle Piggle and it was great fun! I was very excited.

We had to have an early night on Friday as we had plans to drive to Al Ain and visit the zoo on Saturday! We left early as it took an hour and a half to get there. I slept most of the way so it didn't seem too long to me. It was a great zoo but it was a hot day so most of the animals were hiding from the sun or sleeping so we didn't see them do much. I still enjoyed it and liked having a picnic with Mummy and Daddy. I saw flamingoes, rhinos, giraffes, meerkats, gazelles and lots of big cats! We spent almost 3 hours there before it was time to leave. Poor Daddy had to drive another hour and a half to get us home. I slept all the way home too :-)

We had to have an early night on Friday as we had plans to drive to Al Ain and visit the zoo on Saturday! We left early as it took an hour and a half to get there. I slept most of the way so it didn't seem too long to me. It was a great zoo but it was a hot day so most of the animals were hiding from the sun or sleeping so we didn't see them do much. I still enjoyed it and liked having a picnic with Mummy and Daddy. I saw flamingoes, rhinos, giraffes, meerkats, gazelles and lots of big cats! We spent almost 3 hours there before it was time to leave. Poor Daddy had to drive another hour and a half to get us home. I slept all the way home too :-)
We went shopping on Sunday at the Mall of the Emirates. Luckily we didn't stay there too long! We spent the rest of the day playing and having fun at home. Daddy has been very busy at work so I think he was glad to be able to rest and enjoy a break!
We were planning to spend this morning at the beach but we woke up to dark skies and eventually it rained. Dubai rarely sees rain and it was the first time since we moved out that we saw any! This morning Mummy took me to Favourite Things at the Marina Mall instead so I could play with my friend Toby. His mummy, daddy and new baby sister were all there too. Mummy let Daddy stay at home as he has lots of emails to catch up on even though he is supposed to be on holiday, poor Daddy! I still had a great time there playing in the sand pit, the soft play area and ending our session doing crafts! I have just finished lunch and feel very sleepy! It's still cloudy outside and could pass for a winter day at home if it wasn't still so warm.
I need to nap now, I'm shattered! Daddy has one more day off before he has to go back to work. We are hoping to spend some time with my friend Adrianna and her family tomorrow. She has been very poorly so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will be better! I hope you all had lovely weekends. I spoke to my Nannies and Grandads' this weekend which was lovely! I'll be seeing Nanny and Grandad H next week! I can't wait, very very excited!
Lots of love
Ella xxxx
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