Friday, November 30, 2012

Countdown to Christmas

I'm feeling very festive at the moment! In nursery we are currently practicing for our Christmas Concert which will be on the 11th December. Mummy has bought my costume and I can't wait to show her and Daddy what we have learned in nursery! My teacher told Mummy that I'm a brilliant little dancer during practice, not that Mummy was surprised! We have been listening to Christmas songs and making decorations in nursery all week, it's very exciting!

Mummy took me shopping last week to choose some decorations for our tree. I was allowed to decorate it this year and we have had lots of fun today putting it together. Mummy had to lift me up a lot though so that I could reach more than the bottom branches! Whilst we were decorating, Mummy and I danced around to Christmas songs and ate Christmas biscuits! Daddy was very rude when he saw my finished tree and asked Mummy if she planned to redo it! Mummy and I think it looks just fine the way it is actually...

1 comment:

  1. happy Christmas. i am sure that your concert on 11th December went so good. now what about having a dinner on Dhow Cruise Dubai. its best for Christmas. you must try it.
