Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homeward Bound Again!

In 2 days we will be flying back to the UK! I'm very excited as are Mummy and Daddy! I've not enjoyed the last couple of days of shopping though, Mummy shouldn't have left it until the last minute to buy winter clothes! At least we are all sorted now and just have to finish packing our cases. on the plus side, Mummy has made sure that i met up with friends and played lots this week too! We spent Sunday afternoon with Adriana, mostly eating as her mummy likes to give us fruit and soup, whilst we watch Barney I love it there! Adriana has learnt all of the words to Barney's I Love You and I have managed to copy the first two lines too. Mummy finds it very funny!

Monday was a full shopping day and i didn't enjoy it too much. Mummy blamed me for it taking as long as it did because I refused to go in my pushchair! The cheek! If Mummy is allowed to walk around the mall, then I should be too. We did go to Pizza Express for lunch, it's my favourite! I helped Mummy choose some clothes too, a little surprised when she didn't go with my choices though... Mummy told tales on me as I tried to steal a pretty pink top in Babyshop whilst we were shopping! We set the alarm off as we left the store and I could hear Mummy telling the security man that she thought it must be something in one of the other bags hehehe! It wasn't until we were in the next shop that I showed her what I had taken! She didn't seem very impressed and made me give it back to the security man! Later that day we were in a lift and I pressed the big yellow button. An alarm started going off and then a voice from the lift asked if we were ok. Hahaha, I thought it was very funny! Mummy was embarrassed though! Mummy and I baked banana cupcakes when we got home. I like helping her bake, especially when I get to lick the bowl afterwards! They are yummy but Mummy and I are eating too many, we look even more podgy in our bikinis now!

Yesterday we went to Mini Miracles. I was feeling under the weather having woken up with a cold on Monday so didn't join in as much as normal. It was still great to spend time with my friends though! We also did some finger painting. Mummy stripped me naked again, I'm not sure how I feel about it though. There are little boys in the class! I painted a lollypop cut out in yellow with red spots on it! It was great fun! We had to do even more shopping after class and I got pretty fed up so kicked out and my foot caught a bottle of perfume which smashed on the floor. The mean lady told Mummy she would have to pay for it. I felt really bad for Mummy, I didn't mean to do that. She wasn't angry with me though luckily! We went into a gift shop later that day and I did the same thing to a bubble magnet. It cracked as it hit the floor and the water came out. The man in the shop told Mummy it didn't matter when she offered to pay for it. We liked him better than the perfume lady!

In the afternoon Mummy took me to meet Toby at the Oasis soft play. I've not been there since June when I used to meet Cora and Amelie every Monday. It was great fun and Toby and I did a lot of playing! We also had our dinner together afterwards because his baby sister woke up and cried for her milk. Daddy came to pick us up after we had finished and because traffic was bad he and Mummy decided to have dinner at the mall too. I got to eat Daddies chips! It was late when we got home so I had to go to bed.

Today is another busy day. We need to finish wrapping presents to take back with us and pack our cases! Daddy is home tomorrow so we plan to do something fun in the afternoon. This morning I am seeing Adriana for an hour and this afternoon I am meeting Iski at the playground. I hope you are all having a good week. Bet you're looking forward to having me home ;) I'm signing off for a while now, so will blog about my Christmas Adventures in the UK!

Lots of love

Tinkerbella xxx


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Preparations

We have had such a lovely weekend. On Thursday I went to Boogie Babies and loved every minute of it! I got to have lunch at Carluccios with Toby and Nellie afterwards too which was lots of fun. I ate ice-cream with my hands as I couldn't get it in my mouth quick enough with a spoon! Toby smashed a plate too! between us, we made a lovely mess there!  Daddy was already home when we got back so our weekend started early. Daddy was very tired so he had a sleep for an hour whilst I played with Mummy. We had an early dinner together and then headed to the Mall of the Emirates as they had some things to buy (wouldn't tell me what) and Daddy had to submit a form so that he and Mummy can get a license to buy beer here!

On Friday we did our usual morning shop at Geant but I was so tired that I slept through it (luckily). We were at the check out when I finally woke up! After lunch all three of us had a nap and then we had to get up and start cooking/tidying/showering as we had invited Adriana and her family over for dinner. I was so excited when they arrived. Mummy and Daddy were really pleased with how nicely we played together until 10pm. That's when Daddy said I was walking like a zombie and Adriana's big sister Angela had fallen asleep on our sofa! It wasn't until I had gone to bed that Mummy and Daddy saw the extent of damage Adriana and I had caused to the living room! We had completely emptied the ball pit, the mega blocks box and all other toy boxes we were able to open hehe! It was a lot of fun though.

Lazy morning. Outside on the plaza

We had a lazy morning on saturday. I woke up at 8am but was so tired I went back to bed a few hours later. We had to go to the mall again in the afternoon to buy the last few Christmas presents and birthday present for my cousin Jacob. I also got to play on the slides in Toy Store with Daddy which I loved! After our shopping, we headed to the supermarket to get a tree and decorations. Mummy said this is the first time we have had an artificial tree but I think it's lovely! Daddy chose one that has white tips- it looks like snow! I helped Mummy and Daddy decorate it and I'm very pleased with the outcome. It's silver, blue and pink and very shiny! We still haven't got a star for the top of the tree though! Mummy and I will look around this week for one.

Daddy has gone back to work today. He has a very busy week ahead as we are flying to the UK on Friday! Mummy and I have started packing ready to go and have another blinking shopping list of things we need! I really don't like shopping, it's not much fun at all. At least I'll be seeing all of my family and most of my friends next week, so I don't mind too much. Plus, I get the day off today as I'm going to play with Adriana this afternoon!

I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend! We will see most of you very soon yay!

Lots of love

Ella Bella xxxx 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Daddy is Coming Home!

Tonight my Daddy is flying home and I'm so excited! I won't see him until the morning as he will not get home until midnight and that's just too late for me! I've not seen him since Friday and I miss him terribly! I know Mummy does too as she often says 'I wish your Daddy was home' followed by, to change your nappy, to bath you, to put you to bed. Anyone would think she has such a tough life looking after me!

My measles finally went and I feel like myself again. I have a few remaining spots but they are no bother. I went to Mini Miracles on Tuesday and played with Isobel and Nay but was still a little clingy. I gave Isobel's mummy a big cuddle when I though Mummy had left me in the class on my own- she hadn't, she'd just gone to put our bags down. Isobel's mummy has a lovely big tummy to cuddle up to as she is having a baby in a couple of weeks! We did lots of singing and dancing again and then we got to colour in a teddy bear picture and glue fur on to him! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to bring it home tomorrow to show Daddy!

This morning Mummy and I went to Peekaboo to play after I had suffered a minor injury whilst jumping on the furniture (again). We also did a little bit of shopping and managed to get me some Christmas pyjamas ready for Christmas Eve! We bought some decorations too, my favourite is a snow globe from M&S that plays music. I can't wait to put our tree up when we get back from visiting you all at home! Toby came over to play this afternoon and brought his baby sister Elodie. Mummy had a little cuddle with her and now she says she can't wait to have another one. Poor Daddy, he won't be very happy! Hopefully Mummy will just make do with Elodie cuddles for a little bit longer. Surely I'm enough for now anyway?!

I have just finished writing my Christmas cards for my Dubai friends. Mummy didn't buy enough cards so we have to try and get some more tomorrow! Silly Mummy! I also need some for my friends at home. She forgets that I have a lot of friends and a social life that most adults would envy! Anyway, best get to bed so I can wake Daddy up bright and early!

Lots of love

Ella Bella xxx

Monday, November 21, 2011


So Nanny and Grandads visit didn't go quite as planned due to a mild case of the measles as a result of the MMR jab last week. Mummy noticed some little spots on my belly on Thursday morning but didn't think too much of it as she said I was looking fine and I did feel fine. We took Nanny & Grandad to the pool for an hour and then they went for a walk along the beach whilst Mummy did my dinner. By Thursday night a couple more had appeared but again I still seemed ok just a bit clingy with Mummy. Friday morning, more spots appeared and my temperature was very high. I slept quite badly Thursday night so went back to sleep for a good few hours in the morning.

We took Nanny & Grandad for a brunch at the Movenpick hotel near where we live. It was a lot of fun. Everyone was able to eat and drink as much as they possibly could for 4 hours (Grandad was the winner on both accounts). There was a children's play area that I spent some time in colouring and playing but I started to feel unwell and decided to have a sleep in my pushchair for another hour.

Barney joined us for brunch

After brunch, Daddy had to leave us and fly to Saudi which was very sad. Nanny & Grandad stayed with us for a little bit longer before they went back to their hotel. Mummy and I were up 3 times during the night. I felt very poorly and was very very hot. She gave me lots of cuddles and calpol which helped a little bit. I wasn't feeling any better on Sunday, if anything it was the worst day. Nanny & Grandad came over late morning and I had been in bed until 11am catching up on sleep. We went for lunch along The Walk but I didn't want to eat anything. Mummy went and got some formula milk which I haven't had in a very long time, but I really liked it. She said she was worried that I wasn't eating and at least the milk would be a little supplement.

After lunch we went to the Mall of the Emirates so that I could show Nanny & Grandad what I would like for Christmas. They were very very generous and bought me a keyboard with a microphone and stool (it's bigger than the one I currently have and love), a toy car garage and a new dolly. Mummy has to send them to Father Christmas so that he can put them with all of my other presents ready to be delivered on Christmas Eve. I cannot wait! Mummy and Daddy were very grateful to my grandparents and are pleased that I was able to have some of the things I particularly want. Plus it means we won't have too much to bring back with us when we go to the UK next week. I had to leave some of my birthday presents at Nanny & Grandads last summer as they were too big or heavy to bring home.

I played a little bit with my grandparents back at home but I still felt terrible and just wanted to watch Barney and drink milk. Everyone had dinner but I still didn't feel like eating. That evening we had to say goodbye to Nanny & Grandad as they were getting a flight home very early the next morning. It wasn't so sad to say bye this time as we knew we would be seeing them again 13 days later! I'm very excited that we are going to visit them so soon. Hopefully I won't be poorly and we will have more fun!

Yesterday we stayed in for most of the day as I was still unwell and feeling miserable. In the afternoon, Mummy took me for a ride on the metro as it always cheers me up. We stopped at the Ibn Battuta Mall for lunch and Mummy bought me a travel sized Etcha Sketcha that I can take on the plane next week. I love it and play with it a lot. We didn't stay out long as I was very tired and just wanted to be cuddled. I slept really well last night though. I went to bed at 7:30pm and didn't wake once until 8am. Mummy was really happy that I was on the mend as she has been very very worried.

Today I felt well enough to have dinner at Adriana's house. We stayed for a very long time and played together. Our favourite game is jumping on the furniture and just generally getting up to mischief. We have a great time together. Adriana's daddy is also on business in Saudi with mine. I am having dinner with he again tomorrow, I can't wait! It's getting very late here in Dubai so I best get off to bed. I hope you all had lovely weekends.

Lots of love

Ella Bella (and the measles) xxx

Friday, November 18, 2011

Nanny & Grandad Are Here (Again)!

Mummy and I have had a busy few days, it's a hard life for us! We spent Monday morning at the pool and I was able to have my lunch there again which I love doing! Mummy and I were sat on the blanket, I was positioned as always in the shade whilst Mummy lay out in the sun. My favourite game at the moment is to jump on Mummy so I sat on her tummy as she lay there and bounced up and down! I think she likes it too! We went to Family & Friends with my friends Lila, Dhani and Timur in the afternoon. I spent 2 hours playing having only slept for an hour that day. By the time we got home, I ate dinner in a daze and just wanted to go to bed early!

Tuesday morning I went to Mini Miracles. This week we painted a cut out in the shape of a spade. We also put glue along the bottom of the spade and dipped it in sand! It was very messy but a lot of fun! My teeth were still hurting though so I was a little more clingy with Mummy than usual. Even my teacher Bev couldn't cuddle me this week, I just wanted Mummy. I've learned a dance routine to Jack in the Box at Favourite Things too. I showed Daddy my routine last week which he found very funny and I showed my Nanny & Grandad on Skype. I've also done a few live performances for them now they are here! Mummy took me to the pool again in the afternoon as we were supposed to be meeting friends at the beach but both had to cancel as Eleanor was poorly and Thomas' mummy had to go to the doctor. I love swimming by myself now, Mummy looks upset when I push her away but she just gets in the way of my paddling!

On Wednesday morning I had breakfast with my friend Dhani and then our Mummies took us to the park. I was supposed to go and play with my friend Lily afterwards but I fell asleep at 10:30am and didn't get up until 12:30pm. Mummy did my lunch before taking me to the Mall of Emirates to get some shopping done. Daddy met us there later that afternoon and bought me a new chair. Mummy said Father Christmas told Daddy to buy it early as I have been a very good girl. I love it. It's pink and looks like a cow! I watch TV and drink my milk in my chair. I don't like to share it with anyone though, even Mummy.

My moo chair!

After Boogie Babies on Thursday, I had a little playtime with Toby and Nay in Favourite Things before we had to leave and meet Nanny & Grandad. We had lunch at the mall and then headed back to ours so we could spend an hour at the pool. Whilst we were at Nanny & Grandads hotel getting their swimming things, Nanny gave me a singing Barney! I was so excited by it. Mummy said my little face lit up! I've wanted one for such a long time too! Nanny said she has got me more Barney toys which I can have when we go back to the UK in a fortnight! I'm very lucky! They also bought a book for me that has a finger puppet worm on it. He is really funny, I showed Daddy how to do it yesterday! I think he likes it as much as I do!

It was an early night for all of us last night as we are tired. I woke again in the night last night as I was very hot. Daddy had to turn on my air conditioning which helped, but I woke this morning with a temperature and I don't feel that well. I'm going back to bed in a little while as I need to be in a better mood for brunch with Nanny & Grandad at the Movenpick today. Daddy has to fly to Saudi again tonight and will be away until Wednesday. Mummy and I are sad that he has to go but at least we will have good company until Sunday. Poor Daddy, he doesn't even get a weekend off work!

Must go and get some sleep before I get all dressed up for brunch! Hope you all have lovely weekends! I know I will!

Lots of love

Ella xxxxx

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Calm Before our Busy Week!

We had a relatively quiet weekend as Mummy, Daddy and I are going to be very busy this week! We spent Friday morning playing at home and I had a little nap as my teeth are causing me a lot of pain at the moment and sleeping is the only thing that helps! We went to a craft fair (also called a Soukh in Dubai) at Times Square shopping mall. It was full of little stalls of hand made items like pictures, jewellery, cakes, biscuits, fudge, etc.  Mummy had ordered some beautiful handmade gifts for Christmas (she is still shopping see!) and the lovely lady that makes them had her stall of pretty things there so we were able to collect them. I wanted to grab everything as it was all so sparkly and shiny! We had an hour looking around. Some of it was lovely but a lot of it really wasn't. I could make better! We stopped for coffee and I had my lunch before we went to Geant to do our food shopping- boring!

It was quite late when we got home so I decided to have another sleep and then I watched a lot of Peppa Pig on Friday afternoon. I didn't feel like doing much more. Mummy and Daddy think I'm very funny now as I know how to put my DVDs on. They watch me play with the BluRay player and then laugh as I run to my special spot in front of the TV! Daddy is planning to buy me my very own little armchair so I have a more comfortable viewing! We watched the sun setting on the balcony together which I love doing! Before long it was time for bed and I went to sleep happily.

Yesterday was even quieter. I was very grumpy all day so Mummy and Daddy took me for a walk via Boots so we could get my teething gel. We looked around Covent Market a bit too just to keep us out of the house a bit longer. We spent the day playing, reading books and watching more Barney. I got bored very easily and just wanted cuddles with Mummy as it helped my teething pains. Mummy tried putting me to bed early but after an hour I woke up again in more pain. I sat on the sofa cuddling up to Mummy whilst she showed me Christmas adverts on YouTube- we don't have Christmas adverts on our TV here, I thought they were wonderful! So half an hour of cuddles, Calpol and Christmas adverts and I was ready to sleep again.

This morning I still feel very grumpy. The maids came though which helped cheer me up. They like to fuss over me and I enjoy helping them clean! Mummy and I went the pool this afternoon and we took a picnic which I thought was great fun. It's so much cooler here now but it also means the pool is freezing! We had to get out after 15 minutes as my teeth started chattering! This morning we sat on the balcony with breakfast and it was just 23 degrees. We both felt a little bit chilly! It has hit 29 degrees this afternoon though so much much warmer now.

We have a very busy week ahead so hoping not to do too much more today. I'm about to take my afternoon nap and then we will probably go for a walk as Mummy needs to pop to a shop (again). Tomorrow we are meeting up with friends for a playdate, Tuesday I have Mini Miracles and have been invited to a friends house to play in the afternoon. Wednesday Mummy is taking me to Peekaboo and wants to do some last minute shopping before we fly to the UK. Thursday will be the most exciting day though. I have Boogie Babies in the morning and once I've finished, Nanny & Grandad will be here! Even better, Grandad isn't going to be working this time so I get to be spoiled even more! The sad thing is, Daddy has to fly to Saudi on Saturday. It's such a shame that he has to go but it's the only chance he has before we come back to see you all. At least my grandparents are here to keep us company!

I hope you are all enjoying the weekend. Really looking forward to seeing as many of you as we possibly can in a few weeks time!

All my love,

Ella Bella xxx

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nasty Injections

Mummy took me to the clinic today and as soon as we walked into the nurses room I sensed something bad was about to happen. I had a fit and sobbed so much but to no avail. The horrible woman stuck a needle in me again! I had to finally have my MMR. It's been postponed for 2 months as I have to have so many different injections over here compared to home. I overheard Mummy saying she would book me in for Hep B next month- I don't think so!

Happily playing in my ball pit this morning before Mummy was mean!

It wasn't all bad though. Mummy clearly felt guilty (as she should) and went to the shop to let me choose a treat. I had a little Kinder bar, mmm heaven! She also dosed me up on Calpol- I love Calpol and has told me I need to take a nap now before lunch. We are going to the beach later this afternoon with my friend Nellie too. She has been back in the UK for a week and I've really missed her! We will eat sand together!

I'm still very tired from such a busy week. I spent yesterday at Adriannas until 7pm. We did some drawing and because Adrianna is bigger than me, she is allowed to use felt pens. Mummies face was hillarious when she saw me. I had coloured my cheeks and hands in blue and green pen! It won't come off haha!

Tomorrow we are off to a Souk. I'm not looking forward to it one bit. I hate shopping (hopefully Mummy will read my blog later and change her mind!). Right, off to sleep off my nasty experience. Please send me lots of sympathy, I really need it.

Lots of love

Sad Ella xxx

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End of Our Holiday

I was sad to have said bye to my Daddy as he left for work this morning. I banged on the front door hoping he might hear me and come back but he didn't. Mummy said he is very busy but won't be late back tonight as we are having dinner at my friend Adrianna's house. That cheered me up a lot! Food! On the plus side, Daddy also only has to work two days this week and then it is the weekend again! Mummy and I could get used to two day weeks!

All dressed up ready to go! (I'm teething so need my dummy! Just try and take it off me...)
And we are on our way! 

We had a great break together doing lots of things and playing a lot! We spent yesterday afternoon at the park with Adrianna and her family. We decided to have a BBQ but all of the BBQs were full as the park was very busy. Daddy and Adriana's daddy Luca went off to find a small BBQ of our own to use and took an hour to do so! I was hungry waiting so shared (well sort of shared) some raisons with Adrianna whilst we waited for them!

Making do with raisons whilst the Daddies take a long time to BBQ food for me!

It was dark when we finally started to cook food! It gets dark here at 6pm now that 'winter' has arrived. It was a lovely day yesterday, much much cooler even though it was still 27 degrees. Mummy kept complaining that she was cold- I think she will struggle when we go back home next month! I enjoyed a sausage and lots of crisps and salad before becoming very sleepy and sitting happily in my pushchcair watching everyone eating and playing.

Finally, dolly and I get our sausages!

When it was time to leave, we went to get the cars which were parked on the beach. Daddies car got stuck in the sand! It took Mummy, Luca and Branka to all push the car out. Daddy looked very worried! I don't think we will park on the beach again! Maybe Daddy should buy a Hummer like Adrianna's Daddy, that didn't get stuck at all! I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up I was in Adrianna's guest room! I had no idea what time it was but wanted to get up and play so I did. I also ate some more crisps and fruit. Daddy decided we had to go home when I started to try and drink wine and vodka. Spoil sport! Mummy did say it was 10pm though which is very very late for me!

I had a great sleep and didn't get Mummy up until 7am today which she was very happy about. We are planning to go to the beach this morning and then we have to get ready for dinner again tonight. I think Mummy loves not having to cook dinner but she is getting worried that she will be inviting Adrianna's family to ours soon- Mummy doesn't think she can cook as well as Branka! I like both, food is food!

Well, I had better go and get ready for the day. It's such a lovely day again. There are fluffy white clouds in the sky which is a rarity in Dubai! Mummy has also just told me that nanny & Grandad will be arriving in just a weeks time! I'm really looking forward to seeing them both. It's been 11 weeks now and I miss them terribly- they make me laugh with their silly songs and dances! I've learned a few of my own to show them!

Lots of love

Ella xx

Monday, November 7, 2011

Eid Mubarak!

We are half way through our Eid break here in Dubai and Mummy and Daddy have made sure it's been a fun one for me. We had to do our usual boring food shop on Friday but I was so excited when we went to the Marina Mall to do it as that only meant one thing- I was finally going to get to ride on the Choo Choo Train!! We arrived to see there was some sort of fundraising event taking place and as Mummy and I are nosey, we went to take a look. I'm glad we did as there were three men making funny things with balloons for the children. We got a ticket and waited for our turn. Our balloon modeller was called Bob and he was from Scotland. He didn't ask me what I wanted, he just started making something he said I would like. It took a few minutes to figure it out, it was Iggle Piggle! Nobody else knew what it was as we were the only British people there! I loved it, it was very funny. Daddy took me on the train with Iggle Piggle and it was great fun! I was very excited.


We had to have an early night on Friday as we had plans to drive to Al Ain and visit the zoo on Saturday! We left early as it took an hour and a half to get there. I slept most of the way so it didn't seem too long to me. It was a great zoo but it was a hot day so most of the animals were hiding from the sun or sleeping so we didn't see them do much. I still enjoyed it and liked having a picnic with Mummy and Daddy. I saw flamingoes, rhinos, giraffes, meerkats, gazelles and lots of big cats!  We spent almost 3 hours there before it was time to leave. Poor Daddy had to drive another hour and a half to get us home. I slept all the way home too :-)

We went shopping on Sunday at the Mall of the Emirates. Luckily we didn't stay there too long! We spent the rest of the day playing and having fun at home. Daddy has been very busy at work so I think he was glad to be able to rest and enjoy a break! 

We were planning to spend this morning at the beach but we woke up to dark skies and eventually it rained. Dubai rarely sees rain and it was the first time since we moved out that we saw any! This morning Mummy took me to Favourite Things at the Marina Mall instead so I could play with my friend Toby. His mummy, daddy and new baby sister were all there too. Mummy let Daddy stay at home as he has lots of emails to catch up on even though he is supposed to be on holiday, poor Daddy! I still had a great time there playing in the sand pit, the soft play area and ending our session doing crafts! I have just finished lunch and feel very sleepy! It's still cloudy outside and could pass for a winter day at home if it wasn't still so warm. 

I need to nap now, I'm shattered! Daddy has one more day off before he has to go back to work. We are hoping to spend some time with my friend Adrianna and her family tomorrow. She has been very poorly so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will be better! I hope you all had lovely weekends. I spoke to my Nannies and Grandads' this weekend which was lovely! I'll be seeing Nanny and Grandad H next week! I can't wait, very very excited!

Lots of love

Ella xxxx

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Winter Shopping

It's strange shopping for warm clothes over here when the sun is shining and we wear summer clothes all year! Mummy and I are getting ready for our mini trip home next month- we will be flying back 4 weeks tomorrow and we can't wait! Mummy has bought me some lovely knitted dresses, thick tights and warm boots and I have got my Christmas party dresses ready! I have 3 Christmas celebrations in the UK! One with Mummies side of the family, one with my lovely Lichfield friends and one with Daddies side of the family. Mummy and I love excuses to buy me dresses! Nanny has been very helpful and bought me a warm coat, hat, gloves and scarf as well as lots of clothes- Mummy thinks Nanny will go overboard and I'll have too many clothes but I told her it's fine as I can change half way through the day! I'm looking forward to being wrapped up in warm clothes and going outside in the cold. We are really hoping that there is no snow though. We don't want snow ruining our plans to come home or back to Dubai! We have to get Mummy some warm clothes too but she seems to prefer buying for me! We have so many plans already, the week will fly by! I hope we will get to see as many of you as possible!

We have had a busy week again. Mini Miracles was a lot of fun on Tuesday, I've made some lovely friends there and we play together nicely. We had a messy play session with spaghetti and paint. I chose not to put paint on the spaghetti and ate it instead- I mean what a waste of food?! Yesterday Mummy and I spent the morning at the pool. There are quite a few tourists around now and there were British children playing with me which was great fun. I liked copying them and swimming on my own without Mummies help. I'm getting really good, better than Daddy almost! We went to the beach in the afternoon and saw my friend Rose. She was far too busy filling a bottle with shells to play though, it did look fun! Today was Boogie Babies! I love dancing and singing along at class. I gave hugs to lots of people there today too, I'm not sure what came over me, I was just very excited. My friend Toby bought his baby sister today. She was born last Saturday so is very very small. Mummy looked very broody when she was talking to Toby's mummy, I don't think Daddy will like that...  Mummy and I had lunch together after our shopping session and then came home for my nap. I love my sleep!

Daddy is on his way home now. He has 5 days off work to spend with us as it is Eid holiday over here. Mummy and I are very excited! We don't have too many plans as we want a relaxing weekend after last week. Mummy is hoping to take me to a wildlife park though which I'm looking forward to! I hope you are all having a good week. I miss you lots and lots!

All my love

Ella Bella xxxxxx

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Lara!!

It's my BFFs mummies birthday today!!!! I wanted to do a special post just for you Auntie Lara! Mummy, Daddy and I hope you have had an amazing birthday today and wish we could be there to celebrate with you. Hopefully Aoife has spoiled you rotten! So looking forward to seeing you and Aoife in December!

Lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses,

Ella Bella Bing Bong, Mummy and Daddy (AKA Rach and Matt!!)


Tourists in Dubai

What a weekend! Mummy and I are shattered, we have done so much! Rich arrived Thursday afternoon in time for the beginning of our weekend. Daddy came home from work early and we went to a nearby hotel for drinks whilst the sunset. I had a great time eating snacks, drinking milk and running off so Mummy and Daddy would chase me! We left shortly after the sun had set and picked up chinese food to eat back at our apartment. By 9pm, Richard was ready to head back to his hotel so we guessed the jet lag had kicked in! he came to us after visiting more of Mummies friends in Australia so he was on Sydney time and they are 7 hours ahead of us!

The following day we decided to do a Friday Brunch at the Amwaj Rotana. Dubai brunches are great, we eat and drink as much as we want or can for a set price. We were all stuffed by 3:30pm so headed back to ours for a cup of tea and watched tele until it was time for us to go to bed. Rich had to go to Sharjah the following day to do an exam so an early night was in order!

Whilst Richard was in Sharjah, we did our usual weekly food shopping trip. I hate it, it is so so boring! I like to be able to walk around the shops but Mummy and Daddy didn't let me as it was too busy and they complained that I don't listen to them- pah! We picked Rich up from his hotel at 4pm and decided to go to the fruit and veg market to see if we could get a pumpkin that didn't cost 90 dirhams (that's about £15). We got stuck in traffic on the way as two lorries had an accident just ahead of us. After sitting there for a while, we were directed back on to the motorway (Daddy had to go the wrong way along the motorway which was scary and would never happen in the UK!) and we gave up on our trip to the market so I was pumpkinless for my Halloween party! Mummy made dinner for us all when we got home instead and they all stayed up much later than me.

We spent Sunday being tourists in Dubai. Daddy had to go to work which was a shame. We started at the Atlantis and showed Rich the hotel. He agreed with Mummy that it is like something you would find in Las Vegas (tacky). We took him on a trip on the monorail that runs the length of the palm. I love the monorail and shouted 'wee' and 'choo choo' which made people laugh! Rich took some great photographs of the palm and the view across the sea too. We went to the Mall of Emirates after that and saw Ski Dubai. It looks like lots of fun in there, I hope I'll get to go when I am older. We had lunch at my favourite place in the mall and decided to head over to the Dubai Mall on the metro. I was pretty tired by the time we got to the mall and decided to have a nap. Mummy and Rich went to look at the Burj Khalifa, watched the Fountains, wandered around Souk al Bahar and the Gold Souk and then started the big trek around the mall.

When I woke up we decided to go to the Dubai Aquarium. I love it so much. I got to show Rich the scary sharks and giant sting rays. We also went to the creepy crawly part of the aquarium which I don't like as much! We went around almost all of the rest of the Dubai Mall after that. Mummy found a pumpkin for me for 19 dirhams (£3) in Lafayette Food Mall which made us both very happy! We had dinner at Carluccios by the fountains but they were not working that evening- we saw a man on his row boat doing something to them- which was a shame as they look so much better at night. After a very busy day we headed back to my home and started getting the house ready for the Halloween party! I was very excited and didn't go to bed until 9pm! Mummy stayed up later to start the party food too!

Monday morning, Mummy, Richard and I went to the beach. I played in the sand and sea and destroyed any sandcastles Rich built for me! It was a lot of fun! We went back home and finished making the party food. I had a nap, Rich carved the pumpkin and Mummy decorated the cake. It was sad that I woke up and Richard had left for the airport. I liked having him around, he was great fun to play with! I hope he'll come again soon!

My Halloween party was lots of fun. Some of my friends couldn't make it which was a shame but there were still a lot of people in the apartment. We made a great mess and I ate a lot of food (mostly sugary food much to Mummies delight!). It finished at 5:30pm when my friend Eleanor and her mummy left. Daddy got home and helped Mummy by bathing me and playing with me so she could clean up before bedtime. I was so overwhelmed and over stimulated that I was easily upset that evening. Daddy put me to bed at 7pm and I fell straight to sleep. I don't think they appreciated me waking up at 5am this morning though!

Today I had my Mini Miracles class which I really enjoyed. We sang songs and did funny dances. I was given some spaghetti and paint to play with but felt that it was such a waste to put paint on spaghetti. Food is for eating... We played for half an hour in Favourite Things and then Mummy saw I was getting tired so she went to the shops to buy winter clothes ready for when we come home in 4 weeks time. I woke up in time to have lunch at the mall and Daddy came to meet us there. It was great having my Daddy home early today! We have played together lots and he got to do my bath time again!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed Halloween. It looks like you all had lots of fun from your photos on Facebook! I wish I could have celebrated with all of you! I'm looking forward to coming back next month and even more exciting is my Nanny and Grandad are coming to visit us in 2 weeks time! I can't wait! Well bed time now, it's getting very late.

Good night everyone!

Ella xxx

Trick or Treat?!

We have had a busy few days with Rich visiting but I don't have time to sit and blog about that this morning as we are off to Mini Miracles in an hour! SO I thought I'd share a few photos of my halloween party with you from yesterday! Mummy dressed me up like a pumpkin and I loved it but the hat made my head too hot so I didn't wear it for too long!

Waiting for my friends to arrive (I started eating the party food early!)
Bat Lady AKA Mummy
Wiggly Worm Jelly! 
Spooky Ghost Berries! I loved these yummy!
Fairy Lila! 
Eleanor the Lady Bird! 
Snow White AKA Nay 
Our Pumpkin- Thanks to Rich!
I had such a lovely time. I ate far too much and was sick on Mummy in the evening- to be fair she was tickling me! We made a lot of mess, I did in particular with food but Dhani was great at following me around and hoovering it all up with his mouth hehe! I was very tired after everyone left and cried a lot as I didn't know what to do with myself. I went to bed at 7pm and woke at 5am this morning much to my parents delight! Well I must go as we have to get ready for our class.

Thank you Mummy for a lovely party, thank you to my friends Eleanor, Lila, Dhani, Lily, Nay, Martin, Sofia and Timur (and your mummies and daddies of course!) for making it lots of fun! I hope you all had a lovely Halloween everyone! I loved seeing photos of you all- at least it wasn't just my Mummy that dressed me up as something silly! My favourite has to be my cousin Rose, I hope her Auntie Lisa and Uncle Christopher don't mind me sharing, but how beautiful is this!

Ella's Winner of Best Halloween Costume 2011- Rose White!

Lots of love

PumpkinElla xxxxxx