On Christmas Eve, after I had been in the bath, Mummy and Daddy gave me a Christmas present. It was Christmas pyjamas! They are green with snowmen on them, I loved them! It was great going to bed in my new clothes! I stayed up quite late on Christmas Eve, I was too excited to sleep!

I woke in a very good mood yesterday morning. It was 6:30am and I could hear Mummy in the kitchen. I was very excited to see that the empty stocking we had hung in my bedroom was overflowing with presents for me! Santa Claus had been and I'd obviously been a very good girl. Mummy took me into see Daddy (he was being lazy and still sleeping) so that we could all see what I had in my stocking. I had a Baby Einstein DVD, a Tinkerbell DVD, a set of Thomas the Tank Engine books, The Very Hungry Caterpillars Library, Guess How Much I Love You book (Mummies favourite), a Humphrey's Corner book, crayons, pencils and chocolate money. I made Mummy and Daddy laugh as I kept saying 'wow' when I opened something. I was just so excited! Daddy recorded me so that we can show my grandparents how our Christmas Day started.
Once I had opened all of my presents, Mummy said we should go and have breakfast. I couldn't believe it when I walked into the living room and saw so many presents in there for me! There was the one thing I had really wanted too, a wooden toy kitchen! I heard my parents laughing at me for saying wow again as I ran over to play with my new toy. I didn't want to open anything else as I was just so pleased with the kitchen. Santa had set out little wooden kitchen accessories to go with it and I started making tea for Mummy. Eventually I gave in to Mummies requests and opened some more presents. I had pots and pans, plastic food, dinner sets, a kettle, tea set and utensils to use with my kitchen! Once I had opened them, I didn't need to open anything else. I just wanted to play with my kitchen!
Mummy and Daddy made me stop an hour later so that I could have some breakfast and after I had eaten, I was so tired that I fell asleep! Mummy said she had kept busy making the lunch whilst I was asleep and Daddy was playing with his new toy- I bought him a very special remote control helicopter! I think it is a bit powerful for my Daddy, he crashed it a few times! I'm not very keen on it though, it's very loud and frightens me if it comes too close. I can feel a wind coming off it, you'd be scared too! Mummy had an iPad which she wasn't expecting as she had already had a very nice handbag as her Christmas present. Daddy said the iPad is for me to use too and I love playing with it!
Mummy woke me at 10:30am and put my Christmas dress on so that we were ready for lunch. I went back to playing with my kitchen and eventually gave into Mummy and opened the rest of my presents. I had a lot of wooden puzzles, a car garage and lots of cars, an easel, a keyboard with it's own stool and microphone, a magnetic drawing board, a lot more books, a Tinkerbell doll, Tinkerbell bottle and lunch box, dolls and lots of accessories to go with them. I was very lucky! I carried on playing with my toys whilst Mummy finished cooking and Daddy put my new toys together for me.
Helping Daddy put my toys together!
We had a lovely lunch but there was a lot of food! I pulled crackers with Mummy and Daddy but wasn't keen on wearing the paper hats like they did! We were too full to eat pudding straight after dinner so we played for a little bit longer until i fell asleep again! I only slept for an hour, daddy went to bed too! Mummy started getting food ready for the evening as we had invited Adriana and her parents to spend time at ours. They arrived at 5pm and I was so excited to see my friend and show her my new toys that I did a little dance at the door. Everyone laughed at me but i didn't care, I was very happy!
Yummy Dinner!
I don't like the hat!
Adriana and I gave each other presents. I bought her a singing Barney as she loves mine so much. She bought me a wooden train set and a big counting book, I love them so so much. I think Adriana was very happy with her toy too! We played with all of my new toys and ate lots of party food. It was so much fun having her here. I'm pretty sure our parents were having a good time too. Mummy made mulled cider which nobody had tried before but it looked as though everyone enjoyed it! I wasn't allowed to try it! I was allowed to stay up very late but fell asleep as soon as Daddy put me to bed. I'd had the best day with them, I just wish we could do the same every day!
Feeding my new baby whilst watching my new DVD!
Daddy is off work today too. We are having a relaxing day and will no doubt eat lots of food and play with me new toys. Mummy is currently trying to find places to put my new toys. Santa had left a lot of presents at my Grandparents for me earlier this month too so we need to go and buy some more toy boxes to keep everything in!
My cousin Rose is flying to Dubai tomorrow but I'm not sure I will see her as they won't arrive until after my bedtime. I'll see what Mummy says tomorrow! I'm so excited to be seeing her and my Uncle and Aunty. They will be here for 10 days!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day. Lots of love and kisses,
Tinkerbell xxx