Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Mini Trip

It was my nannies birthday last Thursday and we had a wonderful present lined up for her. We got on an aeroplane and flew over to surprise her! It was very late when we arrived but she was so happy to see us, she cried a lot! Michael and I were very excited to spend some time with her and grandad but Mummy and Daddy insisted we get straight to bed as it was very late and we were very much on Dubai time.

On Friday Nanny and Grandad took me out for the morning and I loved spending time with them. Michael was clearly exhausted from the trip as he slept for most of the morning! We had arranged for my Auntie Becci, Uncle Tommy and cousins to come over for dinner in the afternoon. I had so much fun with them all and wished we didn't have to leave the next day. We all had breakfast and lunch together on Saturday though so we had a few more hours together.

We had to drive to my other grandparents on Saturday and arrived in time for dinner. My two cousins from Daddies side of our family were there too. We played for a little while before it was bedtime. Rose kept trying to get into bed with me but it was keeping me awake so we had to be separated! The following day we were all up very early and had to go to church for my uncles blessing. We had a party afterwards and I got to wear one of my pretty dresses which got lots of lovely comments! I felt like Princess Sofia! It all got a bit much though and after dinner I fell asleep so Mummy took Michael and I back to the hotel. We had to be up at 5am for our flight home!

I loved being on the plane and Mummy said I was mostly a very good girl! I've not been able to go to school though today as I have a bug and don't feel very well. I hope I can get back in soon and see my friends! It was such a short trip back but I loved seeing my family and hope it isn't too long before I get to spend time with them again.

I have even more excitement this weekend though, my Auntie Charlotte is coming to spend a week with us! I can't wait!

Hope you are all keeping warm back there (we were very chilly!)

Lots of love

Ella xxxx

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