Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Busy Bees

Daddy has been gone for a little over a week but I speak to him with Mummy everyday on Skype- we love skype! I get very excited when I hear Mummy calling him and rush over to the laptop calling him. I think he thinks it is cute! He has been busy and travelling with work again so that should help keep his mind off not being with me. I miss him so much and so does Mummy so we have decided to go home on Friday 2nd September. That's a little over 2 weeks, we have a lot of things to do and people to see before then.

I've had lots of play dates with my friends, mostly at their houses because the baby groups I used to go to don't run during the summer holidays. I love playing with them lots and mostly see Oscar, Jacob, Harry & Luke. They are all so much more grown up than before I left and are more fun to be with now! Jacob and Harry are even walking! Mummy has said I have to wait until we go back to Dubai before I walk by myself so that Daddy can see. I've shuffled a few steps recently but it was to stop myself falling over as I am still very wobbly on my feet! I'll do my best not to get carried away and wait to show Daddy what I can do!
My Friend Jacob! Lock up Your Daughters Indeed!
Gorgeous Luke!
Handsome Harry & I up to mischief 
Mummy went to see her friends in Oxford over the weekend so I got to spend time with my Nanny and Grandad again. They took me to the park. I love the swings so much, I could have stayed on there all day! I was very happy when Mummy came home too. I gave her a big cuddle because I missed her so much. I love spending time with my grandparents, but it is lovely to get my Mummy back at the end of the weekend. She spoils me :)
Yesterday I went to Baby Boogie again. I really love it and even more of my friends came this week! I spent time playing with Harry and Madison who I've not seen since my leaving party in March! She can walk too, so clever! I loved dancing on my own at the class even though I am supposed to dance with my Mummy (I think she is big enough to do it by herself now). I was so tired afterwards that I fell fast asleep on the way to my doctors appointment!
In the last couple of weeks, I have started to get eczema on my legs, which spread to my arms and is now covering my tummy and back! Mummy had to get me some creams and oils for it as it can be uncomfortable. I don't have it in Dubai. Mummy thinks the sun and swimming helps a lot. Hopefully it will go away very soon, I don't like it at all! I do get lots ofd fuss from Mummy because of it though! The doctor was also very nice to me. I think he likes babies, especially other peoples! I got to play with some toys whilst he chatted to Mummy!

Today we are going to the dentist because Mummy has a baddy tooth. Poor Mummy. After that we have to go toy shopping for my friend Edward! It is his birthday this week and he is having a joint part with my BFF Aoife! I can't wait. I need to think about a dress to wear, I have so many! Aoife gets back from her holiday today too. I can't wait to see her! I have to go to hospital tomorrow as I need a TB jab. I had injections last week as I was due boosters. They hurt a lot and I cried and cuddled Mummy. I was supposed to have an MMR too but couldn't have it until after the TB jab and at least 4 weeks after it. I'll be having it in Dubai now. I hope it's not painful, I hate injections.

I best go and get ready for the day! I hope you are all enjoying the summer (it's not been very sunny in the UK recently!)

Lots of love

Tinkerbella xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear!!! Poor you Tinkerbella!! Eczema and injections!!! Sounds bad but I am sure you will get lots of nice cuddles from your Mummy. They always make me feel better.

    You sound like you have been very busy since you got back to England but I bet you are missing your Daddy loads. I dont like it either when my Daddy is away with work but I always try to be good for Mummy...well most of the time hahaha

    Mummy and I are looking forward to seeing you and your Mummy in a couple of weeks

